James B. Shelton, Mighty in Word and Deed: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts, Oregon, Wipf and Stock Publishers, January 2000 Description/evaluation of the author – who are they and what perspective do they adopt? Dr James B. Shelton is Professor of New Testament studies at Oral Roberts University where he also received…… Continue reading Mighty in Word and Deed, James B. Shelton – Book Review
A New Testament Biblical Theology, G. K. Beale – Book Review
Beale, G.K. A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New. Ada: Baker Publishing Group, 2011. Incorporating the influences of Peter Stuhlmacher[1] and C.H. Dodd,[2] Beale’s impressive 1000-page volume builds upon the foundation of Geerhardus Vos to explore the major theological ideas that makeup and flow through the storyline of…… Continue reading A New Testament Biblical Theology, G. K. Beale – Book Review
Writing a Dissertation Proposal
When you embark on your master’s journey the light, or should I say dread, at the end of the tunnel is the dissertation. Suddenly, the option to change to the graduate diploma becomes much more appealing. To leave without having to attempt to write 15,000 words on any subject becomes very tempting! This all starts…… Continue reading Writing a Dissertation Proposal
Uganda: An Interview with IBM iX Europe
An internal interview I gave to IBM iX Europe in December, to provide them with an insight into my last trip to Uganda and some of the key things I took away from it.
Alan Galpin – Thanksgiving Service 2018
During my most recent trip to Uganda, we have the privilege of attending and participating in a service of thanksgiving for the work my grandfather, Alan Galpin. Alan served in Uganda, with my grandmother Catherine, until his death in 1980. Toward the end of his tenure, he took over as principal of Bishop Tuckers Theological…… Continue reading Alan Galpin – Thanksgiving Service 2018
Cashback, Savings and Credit Cards
Saving/Investments Ratesetter* Reasonable good return rate (vs. bank) and flexible if using the rolling market (can withdraw at any time) ~3% interest rate + £100 bonus if you invest £1000 for 1 year. (total return on Y1 ~ 13%). Note: Capital at risk. No FSCS protection. Instant access not guaranteed. Nutmeg* Robo-investing, ISA’s and LISA’s,…… Continue reading Cashback, Savings and Credit Cards
Unethical Business
Unethical Business: a paper submitted as part of my MA in Theology exploring a critically theological, pastoral and practical framework for understanding and acting within a profit-driven, unjust or environmentally impacting business. How are we as Christians to live ‘in’ the world of unethical business, without becoming ‘of’ the world? Introduction Within the Christian community, there remains…… Continue reading Unethical Business
A Migrant Crisis
A paper submitted as part of my MA in Theology discussing the issue of economic migration and how we as the Church should understand our theological response which feeds into the formation of action within the Church. Introduction Migration continues to be “an increasingly volatile and contentious political issue”.[1] Following the UK’s decision to leave…… Continue reading A Migrant Crisis
Choosing an MA in Theology
There were a number of questions I used in my journey to accepting a place at Regents Theological College. Once I had decided the time was right to study, I had to find where that would be. Home or Away? Cost, distance, people. When I first starting discussing studying with my mentors they encouraged me…… Continue reading Choosing an MA in Theology
How we defined Salvations and Responses
During our recent trip to Pakistan, we had many many people responding to God and committing their lives to Jesus. You can view the stats from our trip in ‘Mission by Numbers: Pakistan’ But it’s important to differentiate between salvations and responses. You can have lots of people responding, without many salvations. If people don’t…… Continue reading How we defined Salvations and Responses