Unethical Business

Unethical Business: a paper submitted as part of my MA in Theology exploring a critically theological, pastoral and practical framework for understanding and acting within a profit-driven, unjust or environmentally impacting business. How are we as Christians to live ‘in’ the world of unethical business, without becoming ‘of’ the world?


Within the Christian community, there remains a “long-standing dualistic assumption”[1] that the world of business (and our life conducted within it), and the spiritual world, are disconnected. However, when we view both worlds through a biblical lens, is that what the Bible describes? How does the biblical narrative of creation and redemption guide us in our understanding of the world? How does that then help us build a framework to serve God, honouring his purpose for our lives?

This essay will explore the issue of business ethics within a profit-driven working environment with questionable ethical or environmental practices. These issues will be considered from a theological, practical and pastoral perspective. We will attempt to root ourselves theologically in our understanding of the world, and humanity’s role within it. Then we will address some of the core issues when it comes to serving God within western capitalist society; before reviewing some of the questions and conflicts that arise from serving God in the workplace.


Unethical Business – Andrew D Galpin (PDF)


[1] James M. Childs, Ethics in Business: Faith at Work (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995), 8.

Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

By Andy Galpin

Strategy Consultant for IBM. Passionate about God, and equipping His church to fulfil the great commission. Blog on mission, life and leadership. My opinions are all my own and do not represent IBM.

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