The Definition of Learning

The process of learning is something that excites me. I enjoy learning new things, exploring different subject areas and adapting the way I do things. There is always more to know and a better way of doing things!

At university it’s been interesting to see how things are progressing. Historically our education system has placed a high emphasis on memorisation, and low emphasis on application. Although I think this is shifting, and is heading in the right direction there is still a long way to go in terms of understanding how best to deliver and measure information.

Here in Uganda they are still very much focused on memorisation. In talking to Richmond he has recounted the struggles in adjusting the western way of doing eduction when he started university in the U.S. IN Uganda, the process went like this: here is a list of organs, memorise them. Then in the exam, the questions would be along the lines of “Name four organs”. It teaches you information, but doesn’t require you to think, to process or to understand – simple know what it is.

When he arrived in the U.S. He was faced with questions such as “explain, why you think ABC is good” or “discuss the advantages and disadvantages of XYZ”. They required an opinion, a processing of information, and understanding of the subject matter, and not just a list of facts.

The issue we have here you aren’t encouraged to think for yourself, to form your own opinions and to make decisions for yourself. You are simple taught to confirm to what’s already happening. Why? Possible because free thinking is threatening. Independence is threatening. While your focus is on keeping power, your not looking to empower others, your just looking to keep the power you have.

By Andy Galpin

Strategy Consultant for IBM. Passionate about God, and equipping His church to fulfil the great commission. Blog on mission, life and leadership. My opinions are all my own and do not represent IBM.

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