
An Identity in Crisis – MA Dissertation

An Identity in Crisis: A foundational Christian framework for understanding the formation and concep…

Might In Word and Deed - Book Cover
Mighty in Word and Deed, James B. Shelton – Book Review

James B. Shelton, Mighty in Word and Deed: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts, Oregon, Wipf an…

A New Testament Biblical Theology, G. K. Beale – Book Review

Beale, G.K. A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New. Ada: B…

Writing a Dissertation Proposal

When you embark on your master’s journey the light, or should I say dread, at the end of the t…

Uganda: An Interview with IBM iX Europe

An internal interview I gave to IBM iX Europe in December, to provide them with an insight into my l…