My New ‘Rules’ for Life – Part 2

In the previous post we looked at the pleasure focused rules that I’m trying to live by to allow myself a more enjoyable life. In this post I’m sharing some of the pain focused rules I’ve created to help me avoid feeling the emotions I associate with pain, unnecessarily. This isn’t about avoid conviction, or trying to justify mistakes and wrongful actions when they are done. It’s about refocusing and shifting so that I don’t default to feeling pain when their isn’t a justifiable cause.

So, I have included the new rules for my top four pain values – outlined in my first post on values. This is the criteria they I have to meet in order to feel pain. Rather than being a “catch all” type of rule, as we usually default to, the aim is to be focused so that your only feeling this when you really should, and not at any other time.

Pain focused rules:

Rejection – I avoid the expectation that everyone will agree with my decisions, feelings or opinions.

Humiliation – I avoid letting other people’s opinions distract from my truth worth or value, as a son of the King.

Failure – I avoid defining anything as failure, if I have learnt from the process.

Guilt – I avoid allowing what other people say to determine how I feel about my actions, words and decisions.

What are some of the rules you’ve set yourself up with? How do they impact your life in a positive or negative way?

By Andy Galpin

Strategy Consultant for IBM. Passionate about God, and equipping His church to fulfil the great commission. Blog on mission, life and leadership. My opinions are all my own and do not represent IBM.

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